July 27, 2024

Rwanda Car Rental Services

4×4 Self Drive Car Hire & Guided Tours

Top 8 Exciting Outdoor Activities To Do On Tour In Rwanda

From the beautiful endless hills all around the country, Rwanda is well known as “The Land of a thousand hills” (Le Pays des Mille Collines). It is one of the most delightful countries in Africa with stunning landscape, warm weather and friendly Rwandese people. The majestic Virunga volcanoes in the northwest with bamboo forests that are keeping some of the world’s remaining population of mountain gorillas, the extensive tracts of Nyungwe forest which is home to our cousins- the chimpanzees and the varying scenery in the west- the shores of Lake Kivu with stunning beaches perfect for e relaxation, this small landlocked country has it all. Although Rwanda is mostly known for its luxury gorilla trekking tours, alot more activities in its different destinations will make your visit memorable. They include chimp tracking, game drives, boat cruises and city tours among others. To enjoy the best of Rwanda, get your travel bag well packed and go enjoy these top outdoor activities when on safari in Rwanda this 2021 season.

Trek mountain gorillas

Most tourists who travel Rwanda do not miss to explore the bamboo forest on the Virunga volcanoes in search of the endagered mountain gorillas. This acitivity is one of the best out door actvities that Rwanda offers and it is a highlight for many who visit the country. The thrilling experince of gorilla trekking takes plcae in Volcanoes national park which is located about 104km from Kigali International airport. As you look out for the giant apes around this jungle, a golden monkey could cross your sight and make the trek extraordinary.

Safari game drive

Rwanda’s only savannah park, Akagera National park boasts impressive numbers of wildlife including hippos, buffaloes, zebras, giraffes, rhinos, elephants, lions and many others. You can hire a car and go for a self drive or guided tour and explore this beautiful savannah nature reserve. With a 4X4 wheel car, be sure to have the best of this out door activity around Akagera national park as it enables perfect wildlife viewing and accessing farer locations off the beaten path. 

The congo Nile trail

An exciting exploration of the western side of Rwanda is engaging in the different activities of the Congo Nile trail. The 227km trail is located along Lake Kivu extending through Rutsiro, Karongi, Nyamasheke to Rusizi district. If you are a lover adventure, this is something not to miss on your Rwanda expedition; it offers a chance to bike, hike and kayak. The trail takes us through lush green tea and banana plantations plus small towns alongside offering breathtaking views of the region.

Track the chimps of Nyungwe

As mountain gorillas have become more sought after than any other thing in Africa, our closest relatives the chimps; so playful and captivating to watch are as well amazing. They are one of the most interesting animals you ought to meet on this planet and Rwanda gives you a great opportunity to see them in Nyungwe Forest national park. Treks start in the morning taking us througn the canopies of the ancient forest until we can spot a troop of the chimps. Make sure you pack strong hiking boots to take you through the dense forest.

Hiking Mount Karisimbi

The conical Virunga volcanoes located at the border of Rwanda, Uganda and the DRC comprise of 8 ranges and Mount Karisimbi is the tallest. Standing at 4,507m above sea level, this mountain lies at the border of Rwanda and the DRC and can be hiked from Rwanda side. The two days trek on this volcano offers is an awesome experience with  a  night spent at the rustic cabins on the mountain. Getting to the peak offers stunning views of Rwanda and Congo. 

Walking above the Nyungwe forest canopy

The 160m long and 70m high bridge suspended over the lush montane Nyungwe rainforest is one of the things that offer unique experiences in Africa. The canopy walkway gives a thrilling perspective on the treetops. Nyungwe forest is home to 13 primate species and some of these are most likely to be sighted during the adevnture. As we walk from Uwinka Reception Centre to the startsing point of the walk way through the steep forested slopes, we can also see numerous butterflies and beautiful birds.

Kayaking Lake Kivu

Lake Kivu is the largest lake in Rwanda and the major spot for water activities. Its shores are dotted by quite a number of beautiful towns and idyllic hotels. After enjoying several stunning views of the hilly Rwanda, taking a kayak trip on Lake Kivu provides more spectacular views of the surrounding. It also gives a chance to see how fishing is done  on the lake. 

Tea and coffee tours

There is a significant number of farmers in Rwanda involved in coffee and tea growing. Several tea factories are open for access to the public and this offers a chance to visitors to learn how tea is harvested and processed. Coffee tours are also done to help tourists learn the process of coffee throughout the year. The tours are primarily done around Gisenyi.

Are you planning to visit Rwanda and would like to have outdoor recreation on your tour? Above are the most popular and exciting outdoor activities for you. To book for any of these activities on your Rwanda safari, contact us today through info@rwandacarrentalservices.com or simply call the helpline on +256 700135510 to speak to the reservations personnel.